These are serious games that are designed for education and not just for fun. Due to the higher retention and performance that serious games are able to bringthe learning and development professionals are using the training more frequently. According to studiesthere is an expected 20% CAGR between 2021 and 2026. Intelligent developers are taking advantage of the digital explosion created by smartphones and tablets.

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Training games, as with every game, require certain techniques to operate properly and achieve the goals you desire. These components determine the style of play of your game’s games. These factors determine the way players interact and progress through the game.

Gamification is actually a pathway to serious game mechanics. Before we dive into the mechanics, we should first look at the reasons why serious games differ from games that are gamified.


Gaming and serious gaming fall under the umbrella of game-based learning. Both games seek to enhance players’ understanding of complex concepts and help solve real-world problems. Both games should be aligned with the goals of the learner as well as business. There are significant differences between the two styles.

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Gamification is the process of adding of gaming elements into the existing curriculum for learning. This is because teaching is theprimary objective of the game’s gameplay. Gamified learning courses will include leaderboards, badges, and rewards that promote learning and engagement. This adds fun to eLearning modules that are more traditional.

Serious games break the slide by slide mold. From the beginningseriously-oriented games focus on education and gameplay. Employers would like their employees to have fun playing. This makes learners learn more quickly and effectively. Learners are at the heart of this training game. It’s highly customizable and can adapt to the player’s skills and knowledge. Your employees should be surveyed in order to establish their preferred gaming platforms, their learning goals, and preferred gaming mechanics.

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It could be helpful to give badges to employees for winning games. Certain employees may like leaderboards to encourage friendship among coworkers. Although it’s impossible to incorporate all mechanics into your job, it’s possible to study the various options and make best choices.


Let’s get down to the more practical aspects! These are the most effective game mechanics you can utilize to create a fun and effective game of training for your employees.


Everybody is familiar with merit badges. They were designed by the Boy Scouts of America in 1907 as rewards for achievement. Today, badges are used by many organizations as well as game developers. They also play a role in educational and social media games. A badge can signify many things, depending upon how hard it is to earn.

  • Success in games
  • Credit for successfully the achievement of an assignment
  • Status can be comparedto other players.
  • Feedback on performance
  • Being part of a small group of highly-performing people
  • The badges are earned as the player progresses through the levels. When employees have mastered the ability or grasp the concept, they’ll receive badges.


    The branching scenario is a game mechanic that allows players to decide how the game will proceed by deciding on the options they have. Each choice will take players on a different route. Branching can let students know that there are many options to a problem. This is evident in customer service, where agents may offer different solutions depending on the client’s needs and complaints. The agent might offer to give the customer a refund, exchange the product, provide store creditor extend their product’s warranty in case the client is unhappy with the product. Branching allows employees to explore realistic scenarios to help them determine the most effective solution for the various customer service issues.

    Information Cascade

    A lot of eLearning games require that the player demonstrate certain levels of expertise before they move on to the next stage. This is where cascading information comes into play. This game mechanic requires large or complex concepts be broken down into smaller modules. A concept may span several levels, based on its level of complexity or provide key data within a single level.


    Leaderboards are used to rank players depending on their accomplishments in a specific category. The degree of competition you wish to experience in your employees will determine whether a leaderboard game mechanic is implemented. Leaderboards could be demotivating for employees at the lower end of the rankings If the score difference between players is too large. The competitive drive to win may be increased with just two or three criteria.

    Reward Program

    To improve motivation and engagement, you can offer in-game rewards , as well as physical rewards. In-game rewards can be earned by employees who collect points to unlock levels, collect badges and climb the leaderboards. You can offer different rewards according to your budget and resources. budget. Employees who have achieved impressive levels of accomplishment will be able to enjoy a day off, free spa treatmentor family film ticket. To reward them for their workthere are numerous small rewards you can give.


    The recognition of employees can increase their confidence and increase productivity. It’s a fantastic way to express your gratitude for those who surpass the game’s goals. Managers will feel more gratified when they recognize the efforts of their employees. It will make them feel happier at work.

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    While this isn’t a game mechanicbut it’s been proved that those who play the protagonists of their game experience increase engagement, interest and drive to finish them. Role-playing lets the player be a part of the game on an emotional level. This creates a ripple effect of positive outcomes because the participant is invested in their character, not only trying to collect points or badges for their accomplishments.


    Incorporating a countdown mechanism to a game can boost levels of adrenaline and inspire players to be more active. It is easy to encourage employee competition by giving the learner a short period of time to complete the task or complete the levels. This can be used to discuss games, gameplay, and players’ rankings.

    Progress Bars

    Progress bars indicate the satisfaction of employees who have accomplished some thing. The progress bars indicate how far the learner is in their training course. This provides the user with an accurate gauge of their progress towards the final goal and allows them to make necessary adjustments.


    Many people like playing trivia. Trivia is an aspect of trivia, however, it generally contains only a few facts. The game’s mechanics can be employed to aid students. You can make use of trivia in order to link the content to understand. You can also ask trivia questions to test your knowledge retention. An evening of trivia can be scheduled after the game. This will bring fun to your workplaceand inspire employees to share their knowledge, and allow them to learn from one fellow employees.